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Q. How do you ask people what gender pronouns they use?


A. You can ask this in many ways but it’s important to keep it casual and not make a big deal of it E.g. what gender pronouns do you prefer?


Q. What’s the difference between sexual Orientation, gender identity or transgender identity and sex?


A. sex is your biological birth sex but sexual Orientation, gender identity or transgender identity is what you prefer to identify as e.g. you can be male (sex) but identify as a trans female.


Q. What do I say to an Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender + person?


A. it’s important to make sure you are both comfortable, pick up on their social cues, try not to probe too much and don’t bring up sensitive subjects.


Q. How do I respond when someone comes out to me?


A. In a polite manner, respectful – it’s not that big of a deal they are still the same person, there’s also no right way to come out you don’t have to do it all, the important thing to remember is to do it your way and to be yourself


Q. Does Clothing define someone’s sexual Orientation, gender identity or transgender identity?


A. No anyone can wear anything they want, gender isn’t definitive to sexual Orientation, gender identity or transgender identity

i.e. Men can wear skirts and Women can wear suits.


Q. What should I do if I came out to someone I trust and they are telling everyone?


A. It’s important that you report this immediately to a teacher and remember to tell someone that you trust and at your own pace.

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